
There is gonna be a manga convention in my hometown tomorrow and I am so excited!!
          This is gonna be the first time EVER that I'll get to wear a cosplay to a convention — which has always been my dream! 
          I have been looking forward to it for so long, ever since it was announced about 1 year ago! 
          At some point, I had forgotten about it, until one day I found a flyer in the mail! Once that happened, I IMMEDIATELY bought myself a weekend ticket and made sure I wasn't gonna be on duty at work those two days! 
          Now it is finally happening!!! 


@Lady0Lunamoon Yieeeee, have fun girllllll >w< Your cosplay is absolutely the cutest and I really like it <33 Can't wait to hear all about it ^^


Okay, I haven’t been active in quite a while, but there's just been a lot going on in my life recently! 
          I got a full-time job now and it takes up lots of time and energy. It can be hard work, but the kind that feels like an adrenaline rush and I'm pretty fine with that 90% of the time! 
          But I'm still often very exhausted when I get home.
          However, It makes good money and even with the things I don't like about the job, I've been through way worse things than that! (Like a math test or being yelled at by my mom!)
          And today, I also got informed that I got accepted for a tailor apprenticeship I applied for! I already talked about it with my boss in advance, that I can shift to mini-job basis when I beginn the apprenticeship!
          Anyways, I am still writing fanfictions of course, I just have a little less time for them anymore! I will keep writing them in my free time, as I do 90% of the time! 
          And currently, I am working on a lot of new fanfiction projects, because I am just always getting new Ideas! 
          Anyways, See you around (Probably)! 
          — Aruna Shadows ☆


@ SweetPinkBlush25  Thank U so much!^^ 


@Lady0Lunamoon Definitely late but congratulations on your apprenticeship! :D Good luck with that and your writing projects girl!!!!! 


Finally I got some more Pyro characters in Genshin Impact!
          I mean, I like Amber, but fighting with bow and arrows can be pretty difficult in close up battles and if there's an enemy you can't defeat without fire, it's pretty inconvenient! 


          *Happy crying*


@Lady0Lunamoon OYA OYA
            That being said what server are you in? I'm a bit on genshin break rn but I can help with builds and farming and so and so


@ XxLeagueOf7xX  Thank U! I still got a little trouble understanding the controls, but it's so much fun! 
            I already long had a list of all the characters I hope to get in the game! So far, I already got Amber, Kaeya and Lisa. And Kaeya was on the list, so YAY! 
            I was already fangirling when I just SAW Venti for the first time! And also to a bit of a lesser extend Diluc! 
            And yes, playing with you would be super cool! :3


@Lady0Lunamoon omg :0 amazing! Yipeeeee! If you want a friend to play with I'm happy to play with you if you want too! (Thou I'm Asia server haha)
            I hope you'll have so much fun just as I have and still am ^^


I might've not been able to get my sister that plush of a Genshin Impact Character she likes, BUT I got her a different plushie of a Character that I know for a fact, she loves even more! 
          And jzst because I didn't find that specific character she likes, doesn't mean there weren't any Genshin plushies! So, I got myself another one too! 


Guess who's getting a Genshin Impact Cosplay for Christmas!!! :3 
          Really getting a Genshin theme on this christmas!
          My dad already told me he might be able to get me a PS4, so I can finally play the game (because my phone can't handle it)!
          AND I might be able to get my sister a plush of a character she likes! I saw some anime plushies in a store once when we were visiting another town recently (and they don't even cost that much), and only AFTER we went back home did I find out that my sister likes one of the genshin characters I saw there! 


@ XxLeagueOf7xX  Yes!!^^ I would've liked to make one myself, but I'm still a beginner at sewing and Genshin Characters always have such detailed designs! It was a pretty good catch though, since It's my favorite character, I already got the wig, and I got a similar enough eye color, so I don't need to worry about contacts! 
            It's not 100% certain if I get a PS4, but the chances are good, since my father once asked me for the name of the game I wanted to play on it! (I told him about my troubles with downloading it once and he said he might be able to get me a PS4 so I can play it!)
            Ikr!? I was so over the moon when I saw some at that store AND they didn't even cost much, compared to what you see online! I got myself a Nahida plush! :3


@Lady0Lunamoon that's so cool! Getting a Genshin cosplay :0. And super happy for you that you can get to play the game soon! It's really fun! I suffered from the fact that my phone can't handle Genshin, so Yes the struggle is real. And omg yessss Genshin plushies super cute ^^


WAHOOOOO!! The next part is finally out! 
          I would've published it earlier, but I was dissatisfied with how one character's introduction card turned out, so I had to make a new one! 
          Anyways, enjoy!!^^