I hope all is going well with you! Are you participating in camp NaNo this April? I haven't decided if I am or not, I've been working a lot! So I haven't really been writing as much as I'd like.

@LadyAmbrosia you're most welcome! And right now I work the grill at McDonald's. Not really sure if I enjoy it but it's easy money for now and gets me out of the house. I've been living like a hermit for like the last 3 years lol

@queenofdragons92 thanks for your condolences! My mom and I are boarding today, just found out yesterday, it's been kinda hectic. Congrats on a new job! I'll have to job hunt when I get back. What do you do for work, if you don't mind me asking? I don't know many people that like what they do!

@LadyAmbrosia I'm so sorry to hear about your grandma! I hope you have safe travels! I'm okay. I started a new job a couple weeks back so that's been fun. Except I haven't had the motivation to write I think I've written probably 100 words since I started working. Not good.