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@LadyCapra Oooo ouch! I didn't get much sleep either, but it was more than that. I hope you get some rest some time! Sleep is kind of important.

@KorraCraic Ah, wonderful. It probably sounds really weird saying that it's wonderful that you're a crier, sorry, I just see emotion as being a good quality to have sometimes. That's a very good belief to have, I completely agree with you. I've read far too many lackluster stories and it turns out the author just sort of lost interest in writing it. It might just be because I'm extremely tired but "My characters deserve nothing less than my best when I tell their stories" sounds extremely poetic and I'm low key tearing up but I think at least the latter is due to getting like 2 hours of sleep last night.

@LadyCapra You're in good company. I'm definitely a crier. I firmly believe that readers will only get as much out of a story as the writer puts into it. My characters deserve nothing less than my best when I tell their stories.