
The teams back together again, myself, Ms Darkwood and Glenn. New collection of horror stories coming soon.


@LadyEckland my man would probably really like that vision, lol as you would darlin’ so *winks*


@AudacityAllie Oh, Allie, darlin', you know there's always a bit of a spark between us, don't ya? Maybe it's just that Midwest charm—or somethin' a lil' deeper. And I'll tell ya, if it ever came to a bit of kissin'... well, let's just say I've got a reputation for bein' quite the strong French kisser! But hey, we'll leave that for our fellas' imaginations, huh?


@Gothamknight33 You mean me and Allie. Oh, that's just a bit of banter and fun. Back in the day when I was new to Wattpad, I stumbled on some of Allies work, poetry and some pretty kinky stuff that got me going. I actually went through a phase where I actually fancied her and thought I might have bi sexual tendencies lol. She could write smut as well as me. But then again, don't all women have a hidden built-in-gaydar that can sometimes be triggered? Don't worry Hun, it's passed but I sometimes tease her with it and created the frenemy arc between us, especially in my story series on Tumblr, Ecky Vs Rhymes which was quite fun to make. But seriously, I think a frenemy arc would make it more interesting with Loose Lips and AllieCat, both fighting the masculine attention of Sphagetti Enforcer, even if it takes to destroying half a city block in the process. 


Hi, I reached 120K reads but I'm growing slowly on followers. Could you follow me, please? If you do, you can advertise your story on my board and I won't delete it.
          Also, if you give a star to all my 54 parts, I will add your story to my public reading list.


@LadyEckland Ooof, I have no idea what Sigma is but I'm hoping that's a good label lol I'm so out of touch it's wild. And your point about those guys are true, though I hardly, hardly think of myself any close to that. Surprisingly, I actually have a pretty low Q rating of myself tbh. Look in that mirror and I disgust myself lol so I'm surprised when people gravitate towards me, or when someone like Allie sees anything in me. 
          Also, that track better slap, metal is king  lol