
Next chapter of The Com'on Inn is up!!  Thanks for reading!!!


Well, for better or worse, here we go!  It's completed but not completely edited. I thought about not posting until it was done done, but y'all have been patient enough. Thank you everyone for your kind words and encouragement. I don't have the words to express how much it meant to me. I'm going to aim to post weekly, but with The 'Rona running amok I reserve the right to be late. She takes up some of my time. I'm fine! I don't have it nor do any of my peeps (knock on wood) but I've been working the whole time and I am the resident "expert" on it at work so...yeah... Anywho, thank you so much. I hope you enjoy it!


The Com”on Inn!  I hope you like it!


Omg! I’m so excited! Which story is it? I’ve been mostly absent from Wattpad for a while, but I’ve read most of your stories, and I love them. 


Sorry for the delay. Life, seemingly, is displeased with me. So, so very displeased.
          Anywho, it's my birthday today (Feb. 9). So here is the next chapter, my gift to you for my birthday!
          Hey! Why not leave me a comment for my birthday! It'll be the best (if not the only) gift I get this year! Make my day!


@chene2012 Thank you so much!  Wish you boyfriend a happy belated birthday from me!


Heeelllooooo!  The next chapter is up!  Thank you guys for reading and all your lovely comments and votes.  I tried to leave the people who voted for the story a thank you but WattPad wouldn't let me!  So know you are appreciated!!  Thank you!!!