I've been thinking about beginning a new RP! While "Blood And Ice" isn't ending, it definitely has been slowing down and the imaginative part of my mind has started to wander.
My idea is for a smaller RP with only attentive, dedicated writers who put a lot of work into their OCs. Each person will play two characters, and there will be no replacing characters because their departure or inactivity kills the story. The plot will have to alter with the comings and goings of characters, and it means no character can be more "essential" than any other.
Theme ideas I've had include a gothic 1800's setting, a glamorous 1920's tale, and a "literary literary" RP, where all OCs are based on characters from works of fiction, from Shakespeare to Harry Potter.
I'm definitely not that person who want to start a new RP whenever an old one gets slow or it's harder to get people excited and active, but I would like a story that's highly active and lets me focus more on the storytelling and less on the admin duties.
It's just a thought right now, but tell me who'd be interested and which theme interests you. It may just happen. <3
In the meantime, "Blood And Ice" is seeking a few new active, inventive RPers! xD 6k views and counting, so let's keep the momentum going! :D