
My fellow RPers! Follow me on my DeviantArt page or Tumblr! It'll be easier to keep this RP experience alive ;)) love you guys!~
          	DA: MarvelZomby
          	Tumblr: ironmanlover24


Hey everyone, I've gotta few things to say
          I've deleted my Wattpad app a while ago because of my constant studies and im sure you all know how that goes, my parents have been stricter than ever so most of my free time is  catching up on sleep, homework, and being forced to do things I dont wanna do (hint, hint CHORES XD) 
          Anyways, for now, im back, sorry for my really long silence, my weekends will be given to my RPers unless something comes up (btw love you guys and im sincerely sorry, glad you guys are still sticking with me)
          So anyways if something happens you all will either be notified or my absence will be because my day is once again occupied, and that's all! Thanks for everything guys!!!