Stumbled on your page. I really like your background picture. So, you're a frustrated writer, does that mean you'll never share your stories? Also, totally agree. Annoying when you start a good story for free and then switches to pay to read... Like really?
@SugarSaccharin Yeah. I can tolerate a little mistakes especially if I love the book. I'm really insecure with my English. It took me a lot of time to review what I wrote and in the end, after reviewing it so many times, there's still incorrect words that I didn't noticed. My stories are supposed to be oneshot but I haven't finished any of it. Maybe next time, once I finished it, I'll try posting it. It would be good if it'll have many reads but all I wanted the first place was to put it out there. I'm caught up with work these past years and my brain don't have enough energy for writing since English isn't easy for me. My free times are meant for reading and relaxing before bed and go to work again in the morning. I'm a fan of Dolly Grand. She's an amazing writer. Very considerate of her readers. Like when she was offered to make the The Mouse and The Wolf paid, she refused because she doesn't want to leave her readers hanging. Instead she wrote another story for paid. She's amazing. I'm so happy and excited for her Counting Minutes. Don't worry you didn't. You actually made me laughed sharing your experience.
@LadyMikhayah07 Same. I can't force myself to read something I don't like either. I can overlook grammar to a certain extent. I mean, my grammar definitely isn't the best XD but if I can't get into the story itself, that's when I start to feel like I'm wasting my time. One of my favourite quotes is, "we are our own worst critics." You may be a little harsh on yourself. I grew up in the Caribbean islands where they speak improper English. I still technically don't speak English correctly. But I love to write. Maybe one day, take a chance and share. Don't feel discouraged if you don't get a bunch of likes or comments. Write because it's your passion and not because you wish to please others. You may surprise yourself at what you're really capable of. I remember the first story I ever published... the writing was terrible XD like... very embarrassing, hahaha, but I kept going and improved. You follow Dolly Grand, right? I followed her when she first got started, and her English wasn't the best either, but she kept going too and look where she is now! The bottom line is to have some faith in yourself. ;) I hope this didn't come off as a lecture XD I just got a little passionate there.
@SugarSaccharin Thank you! I envy those people who love to read anything at all. And then I stumbled on this quote. Since then I never force myself to read books that I don't like. Yes, I never share my stories since it's only plots and not even finished. And my imagination is not good especially my English.