
Sorry that I totally dropped off the face of the Earth. I lost writing motivation and school is kicking my ass right now. I will work on updating and finishing the Sequel to “White Suits & Purple Butterflies” again, so sorry to leave you all hanging  can’t wait for you too read the updates I’m working on!! 


Sorry that I totally dropped off the face of the Earth. I lost writing motivation and school is kicking my ass right now. I will work on updating and finishing the Sequel to “White Suits & Purple Butterflies” again, so sorry to leave you all hanging  can’t wait for you too read the updates I’m working on!! 


I will have a sequel for “White suits and Purple  Butterflies” I will finished “Glued Puzzle Pieces” first though. Thank you all so much for the support so far! ♥️


An update has been put out in the sequel “Red Spots and Black Akumas”!


@LadyNoirReader  PLEASE am waiting for it All the best author chan


Sorry I’ve been gone for so long. I’ve been really busy with school lately. I will try to push out more chapters for stories!! Love you all so much! ♥️♥️


            Take all the time you need and remember to have fun with it! I understand that school can get a little crazy lol


Take your time! Missed you ❤️


QUESTION: So while I'm working on the plot outline// scripting for the Draco x Reader stories I was wondering who else you would want me to write in having a crush on you and for what house.
          ex: Cedric for Ravenclaw House
          You will always end up with Draco in eachone but every story needs s little bit of drama.