
Hi guys! Things have been so crazy recently but I'm hoping to get back into the wattpad groove. I've got a new story I'm going to start posting on here and I'm going to be working on rewriting Poisonous. I need covers for both of my new novels so if anyone is interested in making them please reach out to me. Thanks, everyone and I hope you're all doing well during these crazy times.


Hi guys! Things have been so crazy recently but I'm hoping to get back into the wattpad groove. I've got a new story I'm going to start posting on here and I'm going to be working on rewriting Poisonous. I need covers for both of my new novels so if anyone is interested in making them please reach out to me. Thanks, everyone and I hope you're all doing well during these crazy times.


Hi everyone! I have some great news. Tonight I'll be publishing Healing Hands! It'll be available as an ebook and paperback on Kindle and Amazon. Unfortunately, that means I will be taking it down from wattpad. Thank you all for the support over the years. Without you I wouldn't be here and I hope some of you will be interested in buying a copy. 


Hello everyone! I could use your help. I've started posting Healing Hands on a new website I would appreciate it so much if you could check it out on that website or share it with friends and help get me some reads. Thank you all very much and I'll be posting a new story soon! 


Healing hands is so good I can’t wait till you update. 


No problem. Yay! :)


@Unicorn4ever27 Thank you! I'm so glad you're enjoying it. I'll be updating tonight or tomorrow at the latest. (: