
Thanks for adding “Masks Are Optional” to your reading list! Fair warning, though, it is the SECOND BOOK in a duology of mine called “Superheroes Suck” - the first book is called “Spandex Is Mandatory” :) If MAO interested you and you haven’t given SIM a try, I would highly recommend you read the first book as the second book will be incomprehensible without it! If you’ve already read SIM then I hope you enjoyed it and that you enjoy the sequel equally as much! Thank you for all of your support; it means a lot to me :)
          Happy reading!
          Lia :)


Lol I thought I already had SIM to my reading list 
            Yeah I've read the first book, and omg it was amazing, I absolutely loved it! Your writing is amazing, so please keep on writing such brilliant books :) 