Anyone can call your mistakes for your dream as strikes, but only you can make that dream a homerun to prove em wrong. -Lady Treat 
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  • InscritDecember 18, 2012

Dernier message
LadyTreat LadyTreat Jan 03, 2013 06:55AM
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Histoires par LadyTreat
This Life par LadyTreat
This Life
Life is a war and were all designed to fight in different ways to survive.
ranking #130 dans la catégorie newborn Voir tous les classements
Crush par LadyTreat
that feeling of a CRUSH.... :o
Beautiful Sinner par LadyTreat
Beautiful Sinner
"Young love so young and reckless, yet romantic and breath taking." First love poem on this website...
ranking #220 dans la catégorie sinner Voir tous les classements