
Us, as a society, are doomed
          	We hurt others
          	We make war
          	We don't care for others nor does anyone want to care
          	We made morals and laws just for us not to follow them because if we followed them there wouldn't be pedophilia murderers and so much more
          	We, on wattpad, are nicer than tiktok and we were supposed to be the weird ones
          	We dox each other for no reason or little things like lies and miscommunication
          	We dox each other for not liking something the other one likes or something as Madoka vs Goku
          	"You're stupid for believing in God" just because you don't believe doesn't give you the right to mock others or any religion
          	"I use religion to mock lgbtqia ppl" in the Quran and Bible it states that we should love each other and be nice. Judging others is a sin because only god can do that
          	"I sexualize Daki from kny" she has the mind if a 13 yr old and died when she was 10-13
          	"Omg you like  you're such a child" likes doesn't mean age
          	"You should not be on tiktok!" It's age rating is 12 so deal with it
          	"Mdni" I respect that and people who don't are just as bad as people who cross boundaries
          	"You shouldn't be on wattpad" it's age rating is 13 so deal with it. 
          	"I watch stuff above my age rating" you're a child who watches South Park. Enjoy your childhood, don't ruin it
          	"Use to help donate money for free!" I respect you and will do it for my Islamic brothers and sisters 
          	"I want Russia/Israel to destroy /Ukraine/Palestine" you're sick and twisted. What'd they do to you? What did those poor people and children do to you? Do you get some sick thrill out of this? 
          	"I graped someone " you're disgusting
          	We can't live in peace because we hurt others
          	"Haha you were in a psychiatry? You must be insane!" Psychiatric clinics/hospitals rn't for the insane or anything of the sort
          	"Why would you choose a bear? It's irrational" over 300 thousand women are subjected to the horrors of SA every year


@ EL1X1R3L0P3R  this got way too long and I had to delete about 400 characters or more


Us, as a society, are doomed
          We hurt others
          We make war
          We don't care for others nor does anyone want to care
          We made morals and laws just for us not to follow them because if we followed them there wouldn't be pedophilia murderers and so much more
          We, on wattpad, are nicer than tiktok and we were supposed to be the weird ones
          We dox each other for no reason or little things like lies and miscommunication
          We dox each other for not liking something the other one likes or something as Madoka vs Goku
          "You're stupid for believing in God" just because you don't believe doesn't give you the right to mock others or any religion
          "I use religion to mock lgbtqia ppl" in the Quran and Bible it states that we should love each other and be nice. Judging others is a sin because only god can do that
          "I sexualize Daki from kny" she has the mind if a 13 yr old and died when she was 10-13
          "Omg you like  you're such a child" likes doesn't mean age
          "You should not be on tiktok!" It's age rating is 12 so deal with it
          "Mdni" I respect that and people who don't are just as bad as people who cross boundaries
          "You shouldn't be on wattpad" it's age rating is 13 so deal with it. 
          "I watch stuff above my age rating" you're a child who watches South Park. Enjoy your childhood, don't ruin it
          "Use to help donate money for free!" I respect you and will do it for my Islamic brothers and sisters 
          "I want Russia/Israel to destroy /Ukraine/Palestine" you're sick and twisted. What'd they do to you? What did those poor people and children do to you? Do you get some sick thrill out of this? 
          "I graped someone " you're disgusting
          We can't live in peace because we hurt others
          "Haha you were in a psychiatry? You must be insane!" Psychiatric clinics/hospitals rn't for the insane or anything of the sort
          "Why would you choose a bear? It's irrational" over 300 thousand women are subjected to the horrors of SA every year


@ EL1X1R3L0P3R  this got way too long and I had to delete about 400 characters or more





(Can we do a rp? It's gonna be sfw because I'm strictly against NSFW. But you probably weren't gonna ask about that, but I just wanted to make it clear.)


@ _KyubeyHasAPhone_  umm ok