
GUESS WHAT? I am currently working on chapter 25 of “Searching for the Light” just posted an update on my TikTok!!!


Sooo, a little bad news. I fell on my way to the bus with my son this morning and scraped myself up pretty good, or bad depending on how you see it. 
          I’m in a a lot of freaking pain right now, and pretty embarrassed since there were people there. But this is going to put off the next chapter getting done probably for a few days. I’ve been struggling with writing it as well, so not doing so good at the moment. 
          Just wanted to try and keep you updated. Hopefully I can’t get through the pain quickly cause right now I don’t want to get out of bed lol


@Lady_Hellfire_  thats sucks falling definitely hurts. Get some rest. 


Hey guys! So I took a little bit of a hiatus for a bit after I posted my Steve fanfic. I just wasn’t sure how I was feeling with my writing or the stories, second guessing if they were any good. So instead of making a rash decision like I tend to do, I just stepped back from it for a bit.
          I decided today that I am going to start writing again, I’m going to stick with the OG “Searching for the Light” and continue with Eddie and Alex. I’m going to take my time and really work on it. So it may take a little bit before the next chapter come out, or hey maybe I hit my groove and it just flows. 
          But, I just wanted to update you and let you know I’m still here and still plan on finishing my first story for sure, that one I will never abandon. Thanks for those who have been sticking around, I really appreciate you guys!


@Lady_Hellfire_  glad to see you are back. Can't wait to see what's next !


Hello my lovelies! I have good news and a surprise! Chapter 3 of “Waiting for Rain” was completed last night! Now I am editing it for spelling and grammar , and add some pictures. So it will be published tomorrow or Thursday!
          Now for the surprise! I have a new story coming to you soon!  Steve Harrington story! It’s already started and I’m so happy with it! So help an eye out for that!! Get excited!!!


Good news everybody! I just finished writing chapter 24! I have to read through it and edit any spelling or grammar errors, add the pics I want for each section, and it will be complete! 
          I will definitely have it posted this weekend! Just a heads up, it’s a long one!