Cause you make feel like, I've been locked out of heaven
For too long, for too long
Yeah you make feel like, I've been locked out of heaven
For too long, for too long
Es increíble que después de 4 años, sigamos siendo lo que somos, volver a hablar con vos es algo único, y se que nunca lo leerás, pero te quiero Z <3
Seeing your smile, I know everything will be alright.
By your side I shine, you make my mornings happy and I thank you with my soul for knowing you.
I love you, I know what I'm saying
We know each other, we are like soul mates.
You are the best of my year.
Thanks for being friends with this fool
Es increíble que pueda hablar con vos tan bien, sin problemas y con confianza, te quiero mucho, te estas convirtiendo en lo mejor de mi 2022♡
All our memories pass through my mind, I am destroyed, my mind claims me that day.
Are you better away? You're better without me? I don't know, but I want you to be happy