I was 13 and in 7th grade when Covid started…now I’m 17 and almost a junior…holy. I can’t believe with in three years, I discovered i have anxiety. I had a wonderful relationship that ended. I met wonderful people. I got two siblings who were born in January of 2022. And started talking to a old friend who moved. I was an extrovert who used to love talking to random strangers, making new friends. Now I am kind of a introvert who doesn’t like talking to strangers anymore. Miss the old relationship I had in 2021, because I never used to overthink in that relationship. I hate large crowds and I don’t smile as much. And I loved the people I have met, I miss them he old times yes, do I regret anything these past three years no. I do have one thing I regret, but it still would have happened. The also have been gaining and losing self-confidence but we will get there.
I thank the people who have been there since the start of these three years. I probably wouldn’t have been here without you guys.
I thank my Family(-mom), my friends that I still have, my ex(I think I’m still friends with?), and some YouTubers; and a musical artists(who count as YouTubers. And to you on this platform who I consider friends.