
Hi my lady, I was wondering whether you're going to finish Moon kissed? I read it and loved it, but I reaaalllly want to know how it ends. 


@Angel4983 Hi! Sorry for the year late response. Haha. I went on an 18-month hiatus to go on a mission for my church, but the rest has actually been written, and now that I'm back, I am planning on publishing the rest of it here. Thank you for reading!


          I like your profile, especially the background profile picture, the picture of the piano music score because I play the piano too! *grins and high-fives @Lady_Scribbles*
          BTW, I love Glass. The way you describe things are amazing! 


            Wow, you play the violin! I think my favorite is The Lark, but it wasn't originally written as a piano piece@


@WingXin Thanks so much for your kind message! :D I'm pretty subpar on the piano but I have more experience on the violin, though I love both instruments x] It's awesome to meet another musician! :) music is pretty much the best, haha! What's your favorite piano piece? I'm always on the lookout for good music :D