I just figured out how to do a Potential 4th Kung Fu Equestria, We bring in the Sirens and they want to steal the Kung fu and Magic of powerful Villains long past and living Taking the Magic of Tai and Discord, as well as Chrysalis and Sombra and they want Twilights because she is the most powerful master Alive currently. And the reason they do this? Because they want to prove that Sirens are the most power creatures in the land, in a similar vain to how the chameleon wants to Because the ultimate master Villain because she was denied a chance cause she was small(Which makes no sense because Mantis) They weren't allowed because Sirens and Inherently Weaker and Seen as Wicked creatures like the changelings. Just food for thought if you don't make a fourth or do something different I'm just throwing darts at the wall.