
Would love it if you could check out my website 


          I'd love if you give my 2 Story Collections a read, vote and feedback.
          I'd return the favor. 
          Well, you might be wondering why a stranger popped up right here.
          That's because I'm a new struggling writer myself and would love to encourage others like me.
          Thank you.




@UltimateEnchantress hey ;) you're nice, I guess.


So I was tagged to do this by @estro- and @corsets XD 
          I am tagging this peeps: @Serenicloud @immaturely @grayeii @colourless- @-girlsandgirls @AnneCullen3 @15_Angels_Of_Destiny @Batsygirl @BeyondBliss_ @RachelS8766 @credulously @AdventurousA @Aphrodite270 @rowan_berry @fizzsohail
          1. It's necessary to post all of the rules.
          2. You must post 13 things about yourself.
          3. You can't refuse.
          4. You shall complete this in one week, or you will be given the target of a chosen punishment.
          5. You must tag 15 people to do this.
          6. You have to make a creative name for the chapter.
          Twiggys fact file.
          1. My real name is not twiggy, its lauren.
          2. I am a photographer and legit love portraits (instagram is @laurenwoodsphotography ;) 
          3. I love movie and tv shows basically anything that had a element or creative filming
          4. My A levels will be Media studies, Film studdies and Photography 
          5. For reasons i wont specify i get very angry when people make comments about mental illnesses that devalue then. 
          6. My favourite colour is orange 
          7. I am constantly listen to music (heres a list: Kodaline, Birdy, Ben howard, Gabrielle aplin, Panic! At the disco, Aurora, Bastille, seafret, ellie goulding, oh wonder, james bay, amber run, ed sheeran, imagine dragon) 
          8. I love dungarees 
          9. I am a blogger, my blog is on photography 
          10. I write because im in love with my characters and want you all to fall in love with them too.
          11. My favourite book series is the shatter me series by Tahereh Mafi. They are incredible.
          12. I like designing things but should do it more
          13. Sunflowers are my favourite flower.


@Ladybones  this is cool XD now I'm gonna tag 15 people that have no idea who I am XD


@corsets hahah nope twiggys my nickname XD my best friend calls me twigz as a shorter version of my nick name XD you can call me whatever I don't mind:)