
Hey guys. So, for those of  you avidly following Illustrative Desires you've probably noticed I haven't updated in a few weeks and I'd like to give you an explanation as to why. Don't worry, I'm still very much invested into this book and plan to finish it still hopefully before August 1st. That may mean that I have to update multiple times a week, whenever a chapter is done, but I'd like for this to be finished and ready for the 2018 Wattys. The reason it is taking so long for me to write and update is because the ending I originally had planned for this book, to put it simply, was crap. So I'm having to scrap that and redraft and then write a entirely new ending to this story because the other one just wasn't realistic nor did it really make sense. I promise you though, the new ending that I've (finally) come up with will be worth the wait and will hopefully live up to the expectations I've given you all as readers from the rest of the story. So with that, I'm going to go draft the rest of the book again. Thank you all so much for your continued support throughout this ruff patch in my writing and I hope you all will enjoy the ending that I have come up with. Feel free to message me if you would like, I love hearing from you guys. Otherwise, I hope you all have an amazing rest of your day/night! I'll see you when the new chapter is out!


Hey guys. So, for those of  you avidly following Illustrative Desires you've probably noticed I haven't updated in a few weeks and I'd like to give you an explanation as to why. Don't worry, I'm still very much invested into this book and plan to finish it still hopefully before August 1st. That may mean that I have to update multiple times a week, whenever a chapter is done, but I'd like for this to be finished and ready for the 2018 Wattys. The reason it is taking so long for me to write and update is because the ending I originally had planned for this book, to put it simply, was crap. So I'm having to scrap that and redraft and then write a entirely new ending to this story because the other one just wasn't realistic nor did it really make sense. I promise you though, the new ending that I've (finally) come up with will be worth the wait and will hopefully live up to the expectations I've given you all as readers from the rest of the story. So with that, I'm going to go draft the rest of the book again. Thank you all so much for your continued support throughout this ruff patch in my writing and I hope you all will enjoy the ending that I have come up with. Feel free to message me if you would like, I love hearing from you guys. Otherwise, I hope you all have an amazing rest of your day/night! I'll see you when the new chapter is out!


I am happy to say that I've FINALLY finished the new chapter. It took over a month and I'm still proof reading it. But even if I end up having to pull an all nighter tonight to get it edited in time for you all, I will. Hopefully this is the start of me getting bavk into my old mojo! I hope you all have an amazing rest of your day/night!!!


I'm so sorry I haven't been posting. I'm visiting my mother and I didn't realize that that same day that I was supposed to post the new chapter, I had summer calculus homework due that I hadn't even started and it's an AP course so it was 9 problems with about 5 sub problems in each and I had to write out every single step. I couldn't skip minimal things like just adding the +2 to each side and writing the next step with that alteration made, I had to write +2 on each side. Then write the changed equation, then rewrite it so that I could write the next step on that. It took FOREVER!!! So I'm so sorry! I'm going to try to post the new chapter this Wednesday for you all so that I'm not rushing to get it done and you all get a quality chapter that lives up to the bar that I have set previously for this book. Again, I am so sorry for the long, long wait, and I can only hope that you all get the amazing chapter that you all deserve. Thank you for sticking by me and waiting for the next chapter so patiently. I hope you all have an amazing rest of your day/night.


AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Super excited!!! Just finished the next chapter for "Illustrative Desires" and I have been super excited to write this since I wrote it into the outline!!! I can't wait for you all to read it tomorrow!!!


Hey all. I'm running really behind on the next chapter so hopefully I'll have it out to you by tomorrow, but I'm not entirely sure. See, tech week (aka hell week) just started for the production I'm in and we actually debut next week on Friday and Saturday. So finding writing time is getting increasingly difficult. However, bittersweet bonus, I'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out next month on the 17th witch means 3 days of bedrest aka 3 days that I can lay in bed and write!!! Super excited for the writing, not so much about the surgery. Next month is super busy for me besides that though so I will hopefully be able to write and get quality chapters out to you all each week. Currently the next chapter (though a bit short currently) is looking really good and I'm excited to (hopefully) publish it tomorrow! That said, I have an hour before I need to pass out so I'm going to go work on that now. I love you all and have a great day/night!!!


Hey everyone! It looks like updating every Wednesday with much more managable chapters is a go! I almost have the next chapter ready, just need to get to a stopping point that actually makes sense lol and it should be up sometime in the evening so stay tuned and have a great rest of your day/nigh!!!


Hey guys, so here's what I'm going to try to do. At a minimum, I want to try to update at least once a week. Issue is I don't want the chapters to be terrible and I have a terribly busy schedule at the moment so we'll see. Worst case scenario, I will try to update on Wednesdays. If this is the case I may also be able to get ahead of the game and write more chapters so when I get busy enough that I can't do anything I'll have some extra chapters for you all. That said, if I get a decent amount ahead I will try and make it so I update twice a week just so you all get some more content since the chapters are so much shorter now.