Hello my lovely supporters, I am back good for this time. I realize how much writing mean to me and I want to turn this into a career. Reading old messages from you guys gave me motivation to invest more time in my works. As of right now I’m in college just started another semester so I would love to start finishing all my books that I started for a long time ago. So yes every day I will be posting my day ones book so I can finish them, and welcome you all to my new ideas. I’m on a mission to finish boss black pet, FAT, Office Rules, etc so I will be updating every single day and plus I’m doing this on my phone so no excuses from me. I’m grateful for all the support and that you guys still wait for my updates and I’m very sorry I took so long. I’ll take all the criticism for my books because you guys are helping me to polish my craft and I could not done it without you guys. Please promote my books get the word out, I’m back and I will do my best lovelies
Boss’ black pet new chapter is posted.