
Happy easter break! I hope you have a fun Easter!


I'm going to have Easter with my family, along with practice on the weekend, but I'm doing good! How about you? How have you been?


@EmbreTheWorld Hi, dear!
            Happy easter break for you too.
            Well, this time I have a quiet Easter. How about you? How are you?


hello! I hope college is fairing you well since it hasn't been fairing my sister that well, it's difficult but you're very smart so i know you won't have much trouble. Have a wonderful day!


Don't put yourself down! You're plenty smart just like how you're plenty lovely as well!
            But I'm going good as well, testing is coming up soon so we're wrapping things up with school subjects, and I have theater play coming up soon to so there's that. But life has been good. I finally finished up a game that took me a month to finish, though that was mostly because i got sidetracked, finished watching atla, read some good fics on it to, I actually finished reading one today to. And that's not even mentioning how I managed to get out of that creative rut I was in! I could ramble on about this so I'll cut it short. 
            So good luck in exams! Not that you'll need it because I'm sure you'll do fantastic without it!


@EmbreTheWorld Hiiii! 
            Well, it's really been a bit complicated due to my work and the fact that I'm in an exam period right now (plus I spent a whole day reading about three fics that.... my god how good they are). I don't think I'm really smart, I'm average xd. 
            How are you doing? How has life been treating you?


Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.    :))))))))


@EmbreTheWorld hehe, yes!  You're right! :)
            Thanks! I hope we have a better year than the previous one.


I guess you could say… See you next year.:)))))


@Ladylen98 Ah, I know what you mean by that most of the games I got are ones that I've already seen people play because I never thought I'd get the chance to play but luckily they ended up coming out on a console I had and I ended up getting the money to buy it. But despite knowing what happened in them I still play them because videos tend to cut out things and I want to take the time to explore them.
            And yes, I hope you have a better year than you did this one and have it be even nicer and fun-er than this one! Keep on living the good dream.
            I hope to see you soon as well. :D


Holaaa, te acordas de mi? ¿Todo bien? 


@Ladylen98  Holi, muchas gracias e igualmente para vos y tu filia ❤


@iaritus7w7 Holiwi.... espero estes muy bien. Paso para desearte una bonita navidad para ti y tus allegados. Mucha unión y puras cosas bonitas para ti :)