
Hi guys. I just want to start off by saying I’m sorry. The last several years I have been going through a lot and had lost all interest in writing. However now I cannot wait to sit down and do some. Please be patient while I figure things out.


Hi guys. I just want to start off by saying I’m sorry. The last several years I have been going through a lot and had lost all interest in writing. However now I cannot wait to sit down and do some. Please be patient while I figure things out.


Hey y’all!!!! I know that I have not written much of anything lately. I would just like to say I’m sorry. I had to take some time and take care of a few things. Thankfully everything is good now and I am starting to write more. I hope y’all enjoy what I write.


Alright guys, I know I have not posted in a while. However, that is about to start changing. I will probably start updating everyday, if not every other day. I have had a lot on my plate lately. It is not easy doing the whole college life thing and keeping up with our normal things. I want to thank all of you for your support. Oh, and i will be making changes to some of my stories. Thanks.


Hey sorry I haven't updated any of my stories recently!!!!! I have had a lot to so I haven't had time to focus on writing. However, I will be updating this week and next week. Now that things have calmed down. Thanks!!!