Wow 150+ followers... all I have to say is... Thank you so much. Yeah I'm not the best writer, but you enjoy it and that makes me happy ^^ thanks again hope you'll stay till the end. Er if not do what you gotta do
Hey I know you don't do Sam anymore but you were a big inspiration and inspired my sookieXsam fanfic except(which I have actually proven)my story will always be a diet version of yours you made one of the best Samgladiator fanfic on wattpad ever.Congratulations.But yeah glad to see your moving away from Sam.Im gonna be doing that soon to...
But seriously more people should've written SookiexSam.The only people ever to write SookiexSam fanfic.EVER.On wattpad was
You @Ladypoodle , @Axel_the_Muffincat , and me @Quest31 / @Quest30.Like seriously that's it.And me and you are the only ever ones ever to finish a SookiexSam fanfic book.And seeing at the circumstances.I will be the first to finish a SookiexSam fanfic that takes place during Tokyo Soul.(Note:"FINISH" not make)But yeah.If I keep making fanfics I won't take it as seriously as I do right now.I think that's the key.Like the last Blockbuster.Make it a big deal that your the last active Samgladiator fanfic.At least that's how I see it.
Wow 150+ followers... all I have to say is... Thank you so much. Yeah I'm not the best writer, but you enjoy it and that makes me happy ^^ thanks again hope you'll stay till the end. Er if not do what you gotta do
Ayeeeeeee thanks for the 90+ followers!! Thanks for enjoying my stories. I hope you guys will stay and be patient with me on my stories :3. Also I'm at Vidcon so if you are there make sure to let me know XD