Hello everyone! My apologies for the lack of updates "recently"; I've been busy and Wattpad got kinda shoved under the rug. But fear not, for the next chapters to both of my stories are currently underway, and will get done... eventually. It's hard to find the time to write, but whenever I remember about it I always try to write at least a few sentences or get some outlining done. I will say that ALBW will most likely be updated first, mostly because I actually have some sort of coherent idea on where I want the story to go. Speaking of ABLW, you guys knows that was from a dream I had, correct? Well lately I've been having even MORE dreams with actual follow-able plot lines, so I might be making a few more stories off of them in the future. AT the same time, however, I don't want to end up with a billion story intros without anything else, so I may hold off on them for now. I think that's everything to update on for now, so see (not literally- maybe "read"?) ya later!