
@lil_kiwi_bird Aww don't worry about it hun. So no reason to apologise :)


I love your Essay on Writing and I'd like to suggest you something about the first page - Strong Female Characters! I totally agree with what you said and so I highly recommend checking out a video game called 'The Last of Us', you may or may not like video games but I highly suggest at least checking out the story line! In The Last of Us there is a 14 year old female main character, (who you play at one point) she is a strong female character but not by choice. She is forced into a world where if she is not strong she will die, and the reason why I love it is because at certain points in the game you will feel her fear, see her vulnerability and will be able to relate and really feel and connect with the character! So I highly suggest you check it out. Thank you ^.^