
this message may be offensive
"Higher! Higher! Come on you sons of fire!  Daughters of the black moon,  Practitioners of art most dire   Dance! Dance! In twisting, white-eyed trance,  Let us praise the flowering darkness. Higher! Higher!Let's set the night on fire!  Black moon bear witness to our rite,  Beneath the devil's" pyre   Unchain, Set free, the flames of the Adversary!  Scorch the earth and devour all,  That sifted from the ashes be   Hail! Hail! Thou who makes the cosmos wail!  In anguish as we fuck the world,  And sodomize the god that failed."


this message may be offensive
"Higher! Higher! Come on you sons of fire!  Daughters of the black moon,  Practitioners of art most dire   Dance! Dance! In twisting, white-eyed trance,  Let us praise the flowering darkness. Higher! Higher!Let's set the night on fire!  Black moon bear witness to our rite,  Beneath the devil's" pyre   Unchain, Set free, the flames of the Adversary!  Scorch the earth and devour all,  That sifted from the ashes be   Hail! Hail! Thou who makes the cosmos wail!  In anguish as we fuck the world,  And sodomize the god that failed."


Viata are sens sau nu? Merita sau nu traita? Bineînțeles, cei ce se sinucid ne arata ca viata pentru ei nu merita trăită, dar cei care rămân in viata, ne arata opusul celor  ce s-au sinucis. Omul prin sinucidere vrea sa ne arate ca viata îl depaseste sau ca nu este pregătit pentru ea, unele fiinte mai trăiesc din curiozitatea zilei de maine; e destul de dificil sa traiesti cu absurdul lumii, dar tocmai prin faptul ca putem trai si ca vrem sa continuam sa trăim in ciuda absurdului, aratam eroism. Prin asta arat ca nu incurajez sinuciderea; cred ca nu ma mint pe mine însumi.