Forgot to introduce myself lol
I'm Wiam *call me Mia* I'll be 16 in a month ig
I'm from Morocco but I can speak French and English fluently :3
I'm jikook biased ig
And that's it lol
Thank you for wasting your time on this beautiful hooman have a great day < 3
Forgot to introduce myself lol
I'm Wiam *call me Mia* I'll be 16 in a month ig
I'm from Morocco but I can speak French and English fluently :3
I'm jikook biased ig
And that's it lol
Thank you for wasting your time on this beautiful hooman have a great day < 3
Today 29/07/21
I was so tt after I realized that I missed Koo's live I was waiting for for a decade and I was like "I hate my life" ... But then I watched it and BRO my love machine broke fr I never knew I could love anyone that much And then I texted my bestz "I love my life"
End... < 3
(intended to post this yesterday but I fOrGot lol)