Hi Everyone! Gosh this has been so terrible of me being in and out on you like this. I'm hopefully going to be around for a while but with such a busy life it's hard to stay consistent. I just want to say that I'm so sorry about my hunger games roleplays. I've really tried to do them and I really want to but I just can't seem to keep it up! I know that's not fair to those of you who have signed up and you have my deepest apologies. I thought after the first one maybe I could make it up but clearly I'm not fit to run one of them. I'm going to close both of them down and not do them again. So sorry to everyone who was going to participate, I wish it had worked out. I'm sure for most of you this doesn't come as a surprise because I've been inactive for so long, but I think I owe you the apology. Some of my other stories that don't need to be updated as frequently I'll start to add to again! I'm happy to be back on and can't wait to catch up with everything! Thx for understanding <3 xoxoxo