
this message may be offensive
What's up people? I'm extremely bored so like, request shit for stories. Maybe for one of my already existing stories or maybe a whole plot line to me to write for your guilty pleasures. I'm already writing stuff for two of my books but I wanna do more. MORE AMAZING THINGS WITH MY BRAIN!! So like fucken' comment or dm me 'cause I have no friends. Let's be friends (but after you request something)


this message may be offensive
What's up people? I'm extremely bored so like, request shit for stories. Maybe for one of my already existing stories or maybe a whole plot line to me to write for your guilty pleasures. I'm already writing stuff for two of my books but I wanna do more. MORE AMAZING THINGS WITH MY BRAIN!! So like fucken' comment or dm me 'cause I have no friends. Let's be friends (but after you request something)


this message may be offensive
Hey, sorry for not posting in two-three months but we had no internet and I'm stealing my mother's data now at 1:30am while she's sleeping but I was thinking that I might post some short story things because why the fuck not. I have a short story for my English class and I think it's good (one of my friends think I should go to therapy because of a murder in it) so let me know about if I should or not. Also sorry again about the internet situation. Keep on reading you amazing human being and if you aren't a human being, are you a zombie because don't eat me.
          What's  wrong with me? I swear I'm not high


Hey, sorry that I've been offline for a while but I've been writing a thing but I don't know if I should put it on Wattpad as it's really embarrassing to write and read and its gonna be (I think) a few pages long and it isn't gonna be long as well (2-3 chapters maybe less) but I want to ask if I should post it on Wattpad. Please comment. Please stay safe cause I don't wanna lose you . I'm just gonna go now cause... yeah, bye


Can you help me with the next with my next fan fic or something. In the comments, type in a name of a famous person (Markiplier, Pewdiepie etc) or a ship name (Pewdiecry, septicplier, phan etc). If you do this I will tag you in the first chapter. If you're not picked, don't worry you can be in another one. Be happy you rare Pokémon :)


@DragonMonk no pokèmon fan fic


            GO ON, SAY I CHOOSE YOU...