
          	 Dear Jay
          	 I waiting for u to update are Sense, 
          	 Catch me,
          	 The bad boy's, good girl, 
          	The dragon behind her exotic eyes and
          	 Mr teacher.... please love me


          	  Whatttt O.o five different stories!!!!!!!!!
          	      Well I'll see what I can do. 
          	  For Catch me, I need more support before writing more of it sorry love. 
          	  The Dragon behind her exotic eyes & Mr Teacher... Please love me, are both on hold, however I'll look into them :)
          	                Lastly, The Bad Boy's, Good Girl and Sense, I will be updating :) 
          	  Thank you, and I hope your not angry with me. 
          	                              -Love Jay-


           Dear Jay
           I waiting for u to update are Sense, 
           Catch me,
           The bad boy's, good girl, 
          The dragon behind her exotic eyes and
           Mr teacher.... please love me


            Whatttt O.o five different stories!!!!!!!!!
                Well I'll see what I can do. 
            For Catch me, I need more support before writing more of it sorry love. 
            The Dragon behind her exotic eyes & Mr Teacher... Please love me, are both on hold, however I'll look into them :)
                          Lastly, The Bad Boy's, Good Girl and Sense, I will be updating :) 
            Thank you, and I hope your not angry with me. 
                                        -Love Jay-