
Thank you for keeping me informed on what has actually transpired. I can't say I'm too happy about it either, I know how it feels to have your work stolen from you, but I'm not going to do anything presently. 
          If you ever have a plan and need help executing it, I would be glad to help. For now I'll sit back and read the original works. I still have my suspicions about this whole situation but for now I'll let things lie.


I myself have chosen not to pursue this further. While I was very mad last night (I was actually trembling as I checked everything and typed the messages to her readers, and her), I've decided it's a waste of energy, which I would rather focus in continuing my writing. There is so much still to be written about Nightingale! 
            Presently I am one chapter from finishing the fourth AU, after which I will try to focus on the series of sidestories/companions which shall connect Nightingale and the sequel (tentatively titled Ethereal, thus far) which is based on the recent Thor movie. 
            I also have an X-Men series of fanfics in process which I might continue soon. So, yeah, too much to do to focus on negative things for long. Sara has deleted the stories from her site and I've left a standing message on my profile here, which will help send people to my true posting sites (at least until I decide to post them here as well). So yeah, that's all I will be doing on that matter. 
            Thank you for your offers. It sounds like you've been through a similar situation. If you ever need help yourself don't hesitate to ask. Hope to see you in my other sites someday. 
            Have a good day!