
I'll update my story when everything's settled, i wanted to make a new book that contains every happening in my entire existence just hope so i could finish what I'm working atm. 


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I'm a church girl but y'all know what? I feel like i really am a good sinner, i always fought back whenever they said hurtful words on me, is that it? don't cheer me up, i just said this becs i can't keep it to myself, sooner or later i will be fine then everything will be like this again, almost everyday. FUCK Y'ALL PEOPLE, i might be so dramatic but ignore me, i can managed to be stronger, i can't easily end my life becs I'm afraid to die and will go to hell, God gave me this obstacle becs he knews what I'm capable of, that i can be braver but this is too much for my punishment? :(


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Literally my life fucked up so much. Can i die already? :( I will just kill myself soon if i had enough, i just can't take this anymore, everything and everyone around me said that blahblah I'm worthless whatsoever, i have a family who always said hurtful words towards me, i have nothing but myself. I can't focus on my happy side if they're the one who always ruined it. Please God don't make me suffer like this, just kill me already 


YAY. SEMBREAK IS COMING SOON SO MAYBE I'LL UPDATE MY STORY. YIEEEEE Idunno. Hshshshs although i already wrote it on my note tho I still am thingking if I type it here or not. What do ya think?


HAHAHAAHH hakdug di pa naman seyur ei. Wahhhhhhhhh na inspired talaga ako sayu. Wala pa kase akong phone, ayokong mag type sa pc HHAHAHA panu ba diz


yIEEeEeE~~ vAkLa!! mAg u-UpDaTe nA sIya!!