1/11/20 Hello everyone! I am alive as you see. It's been very long time since i have returned to the platform. Thank you for reading my 2 books and not minding the mistakes i have done when i first wrote them. It really means so much to me that people read my books still to this day! I am now 18 years old oh my... when did 3 years pass so fast! I ain't sure yet if i am going to countinue bok too due to uni and making my web comic.

HEYY REMEMBER ME I WAS KAWAII AYAKI man it’s been years idk if I even remember me I’m 18 now so yea glad to see ur doing okay I was just on here reading and feeling embarrassing nostalgia atm lol but hey

@Laluka_Han Thank you so much! I'll be waiting for it! I hope you're safe and sound❤

@YanieBandol Thanks so much for the support, in a few days i will post an announcement