
Hi everyone, if you want to read more serious stories, I.E. not fan fictions I've got another account called Jess_the_writer and I'll be posting my other creations that I' like to share with you so go follow that account please. Don't worry I'll still work on the Bastille fan fictions! 
          	Thank's Jess. X


Hi everyone, if you want to read more serious stories, I.E. not fan fictions I've got another account called Jess_the_writer and I'll be posting my other creations that I' like to share with you so go follow that account please. Don't worry I'll still work on the Bastille fan fictions! 
          Thank's Jess. X


Thank you for 106 followers, you're all amazingly wonderful people! I hope you enjoy reading the stories, I do have a new one I've been working on. It's completely different to any of the others. If you'd like me to post maybe the first chapter reply to this post saying yes. Thank you for the continued support . Jess. X


I can only truly write when I'm happy, because if my mind isn't at peace my writing is bad and reflects exactly whats in my head. and I don't like admitting or reading it aloud. I will only ever write when my mind is calm and happy, if not the effects can be rather damaging.