iim 5o 5ad becau5e home5tuck ii5 over. My friiend5 and ii have deciided that we are iin deniial and that we wiill repeatedly reread becau5e OUR BABIIE5 CANNOT AND WIILL NOT BE FORGOTTEN!!! *ahem* how are yall feeliing about the whole home5tuck ii5 over thiing? IIT 5HALL NEVER TRULY BE OVER BECAU5E PEOPLE WIILL NEVER FORGET. NEVER. NEVER EVER. NOPE. *5lap5 forgetfulne55 iin the face* any of you derp5 that wiill read thii5 play ark 5urviival evolved? iim a diino5aur nerd, iim 5orry.... oh and ii recommend a 5ong, iit5 called Happiier by A Fiine Frezy. iignore the double ii'5, that5 ju5t my quiirk. Obviiou5ly.