
I just updated Fang Junkie. Go check it out. It's a romance-vampire novel. And I really like it so far. So... Go.


Hi i am love your stories, but i was wondering if when is the new update for fang addiction? Thanks


I would love another chapter? Am beging. :)


@mohaniegobind I'll do my very best to bring out a new chapter sometime this week.




I seriously almost cried thank you thank you thank you 


@Shaelyn313 Wattpad needs a like-button, but of course I can also just tell you that I like you freaking out over this ;p


I miss My Criminal


Oh my gosh that'd be so great *cries* I like binge read it one day and fell in love and I was going to re read it but it said you deleted it and literally almost cried


@Shaelyn313 Aw :( I was thinking about working on it in two weeks. Then I'm done with exams, but I can't promise  anything though. If I start putting it back up, updates might be reeeeaally slow.


Hi! i added this story to my library this afternoon and i finished it this evening hahaha i read about your warning but i still went through it. i saw the abrupt ending and unedited chapters but the plot is so good, in my opinion, i dont care how many bridges i have to build to connect the stops. 
          i have read a few stories with unedited chapters and abrupt endings but havent seen anything that got away with it. In he end i always feel like i wasted my time. not until i read this story. This is the first ever!
          It made me giddy, it made giggle, swoon, scream on my pillow and made me wipe the tears that rolled down my cheeks. Thrice. To top it off, i have a fever but loved the story so much i ignored the pain in my eyes. 
          i rarely write comments. It is not a habit of mine. I only did when i needeed to express a strong feeling about the story. And i am writing now to tell you how wonderful your work is. I feel that the best stories are those that stir up my emotions. Thank you for sharing this with us 


@karinska Hey, I still wanted to thank you! I somehow didn't get to replying to this a couple of months ago. Damn. Like I said, I've been crazy busy! School is draining me. So yeah, thanks again! You're the sweetest. ;) 
            Hardly anyone around here knows about Wattpad, so when I tell them about it they're like 'Whaaat? What's that?' And I never really feel like explaining it properly and I don't want them to read my books yet, because they don't feel finished. So yeah. I feel really honoured that you decided to write comments for me!


@karinska Thank you :) I love reading and it is one of the few things i am willing to do even if i am sick lol I have hundreds of books (not including ebooks) which goes to show my love for it hahaha 
            some of my friends were surprised i read wattpad stories. they make jokes like "do you post criticisms when you are not satisfied?" funny. Like i told you, i do not have the habit of posting comments on every story i read. i saw below that you are busy with uni but if you have the time in the future to edit this, you should. I like that it is not too long. Just enough to cover all. Maybe if you edit, it will reach 30 chapters but that is fine. And hey who knows, this might get published :) 
            Good luck on your studies and I in writing if you want to do more :)


@karinska Thank you so much, darling. This is the nicest thing I've read in a while and it makes my day, if not my week. I'm very glad that you liked reading the story, even though it's not the best it could be. Get well soon! :)


hey, just started to read Pickpoket and the billionaire, I don't know y u dont enjoy ur own story but I thought it was great, different n certainly not cliche. I loved to the core, keep it up n hope to read more from you. 


@ADream_Catcher. lol, it's ok, i'll wait 


@ADream_Catcher Glad to hear! I have to warn you though, I'm an incredible slow writer at the moment. University is killing me!


@ADream_Catcher haha, now reading fang junkie and am hooked loved the ending of the pickpoket and the billionaire.


Hey girl. Just wanted to check in and see how you were. :)


@Makingmyownworld I just read the latest chapter and it's amazing! I love the end, I don't even know why. It's just so good. I'm wondering if she hit someone she wasn't supposed to, though. You sure now how to write a cliffhanger :p.


@Lamendez Awesome! Well I have a new update coming out tonight. I left a snippet on my profile if you're interested in a peek. I just have to write the last few things. I fly by the seat of my pants in writing so I don't know either. ;) Then again I am a sap for Drethel. 
            No problemo.


@Makingmyownworld  I'm so looking forward to that! Seriously, no matter how much work I have, when you update, I just have to read it. I'm so curious to read how Drethel is going to end up. They're so weird and exciting together. 
            Sorry for the slow replies by the way. I seem to be to doing that everyone nowadays ;) .