
My friends said im gay


i dont know where have i been these few months, but i guess im back for a few minutes happy super duper luper keduper schluper muper late new year.,  i hope yall are still alive and well, i honestly still dont know why im here, i never really use this app anymore tbh., i dont really like books anymore nor fanfics., i think i just wanted to see, i think every had moved on even my friends who are on here tbh i suck as a person and maybe just do your best we're all growing. -nick




@LanWangjis_Sword its fine, it seems like youre doing much better now which is awesome <3


@at0miqce  i never really forgot about you i just never really use wattpad anymore. i know were probably not even friends or best friends anymore but i hope you're happy now, im sorry i used to vent alot to you., ik we dont really know eachother well like we used to but it's fine :}


@LanWangjis_Sword i thought you moved on from me tbh.