@styles_orama Yeah, got that from chapter 21, I think that is a great idea, for her to make him even more insecure, because I think it will give Sherry and Harry just enough drama... Hahaha I agree that Harr needs to get laid, especially 'cause he didn't get any from Paige in a long time but I think that you should wait a bit longer. Especially now that Paige did what she did, I think you should wait for him to open up about his insecurities more to Sherry so she can show him that she really likes him and cares for him, and spends her free time with him because she wants to do that not because she gets paid for taking care of him. In my opinion they should wait for that, but maybe start with some other stuff since Harry doesn't even know if he can get it up :D and maybe make them more emotionaly connected before sex :)