
          	She's really good at writing and really cool.
          	I made her cover and am making her future covers. (Don't worry. They're better than mine. A lot better!)


Idk if anyone can see this but the owner of this page is kinda my friend, and she messaged me on Discord to let you all know that the email attached to this account is lost, and she can’t get into this account because apparently she has to update her password before she can sign in.
          She’s sorry for all poor portrayals of people with mental disorders, and sexualities. She said most of this is from when she was young and she wanted to rewrite it, but she can’t now that she can’t get into her email. Again, she is sorry, and if she ever gains access to this account again, she will rewrite the stories.
          Until then this account is considered one giant archive and should not be used to determine the author’s current writing abilities.
          Signed, Your_Internet_Trash


@_crystall_ I'm not giving up writing. I just decided to take a break and focus on my stuff at school. And I had laser eye surgery yesterday. And I'm not supposed to read. But I'm a rebel. JK. After this I'm just gonna stare at my t.v. But sunday I'll start writing some more. Cuz by then I'll be allowed too. And thank you for your helpful tips. ~Lana_The_City_Elf~