Hello Wattpad.
Been a while, hasn't it? I do love the Wattpad community and apologize for the lack of content I have posted throughout the past several months. As an artist, and one who takes their written word very seriously, a great story that deserves to be shared with the world takes time to emotionally culminate internally before the creative execution can begin. I want to announce that I will continue writing stories to share on Wattpad not only to serve as creative exercises for myself, but for material for you to enjoy as well.
Though in the meantime, I have secured the official publication of Some Place Better Than Here! So in a few short months a revised edition of the novel will be available in HARDCOVER and PAPERBACK for YOU to enjoy!
Until then, I hope you find the forthcoming tales as enticing as the one you all have already been very familiarized with, and please be sure to engage in my other social media accounts to continue the adventure.
Yesterday I uploaded a YouTube video acknowledging the change we as a global community experienced yesterday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0IrNTQQI3E
If my message provides solace, insight, or simply serves as pure entertainment, please click subscribe, hit follow, and keep in touch. From the bottom of my heart I appreciate every single one of you and would like to continue the engagement we have begun as author and reader.
Thank you Wattpad, for you have enlightened me, educated me, and encouraged me in bleak moments.
All the love,