
Hello Wattpad people.
          	I know this message is brief, but could all and everyone still following me please respond to this letting me know if you're still active?
          	I have plenty of new story ideas that I cannot wait to share and want to see where I am standing!


@ LandenWakil Active! 


Hello Wattpad people.
          I know this message is brief, but could all and everyone still following me please respond to this letting me know if you're still active?
          I have plenty of new story ideas that I cannot wait to share and want to see where I am standing!


@ LandenWakil Active! 


Hello Wattpad.
          Been a while, hasn't it? I do love the Wattpad community and apologize for the lack of content I have posted throughout the past several months. As an artist, and one who takes their written word very seriously, a great story that deserves to be shared with the world takes time to emotionally culminate internally before the creative execution can begin.  I want to announce that I will continue writing stories to share on Wattpad not only to serve as creative exercises for myself, but for material for you to enjoy as well. 
          Though in the meantime, I have secured the official publication of Some Place Better Than Here! So in a few short months a revised edition of the novel will be available in HARDCOVER and PAPERBACK for YOU to enjoy!
          Until then, I hope you find the forthcoming tales as enticing as the one you all have already been very familiarized with, and please be sure to engage in my other social media accounts to continue the adventure. 
          Yesterday I uploaded a YouTube video acknowledging the change we as a global community experienced yesterday:
          If my message provides solace, insight, or simply serves as pure entertainment, please click subscribe, hit follow, and keep in touch. From the bottom of my heart I appreciate every single one of you and would like to continue the engagement we have begun as author and reader. 
          Thank you Wattpad, for you have enlightened me, educated me, and encouraged me in bleak moments. 
          All the love, 


Congrats & welcome back


Congrats & welcome back


@LandenWakil well this was beyond beautiful. We appreciate you as well. 


Was great meeting you yesterday,  thanks for recommending your story. Btw, keep your hair looking awesome,because that is seriously hair goals right there. 


@LandenWakil absolutely no hair cut,  a trim is acceptable of course though


@uniique678 yes! Great meeting you too  and haha ok I'll try to keep my hair awesome  does that mean no hair cut??


@allyrwilliams Yes! It was fantastic meeting so many wattpad readers on Saturday  stay in touch!


I have just started SPBTH and I already love it. It is incredibly hard to find a male author on Wattpad, especially one with the talent that you have. I look forward to reading and finishing the book and more books to come!


          The Fiction Awards 2016 is here... and well... that means you fantastic people should give Some Place Better Than Here a nomination so it can get the recognition it deserves ✌
          Please click this link to understand the guidelines, it's easy and super simple to vote  

          Keep on nominating, and commenting on either one of my stories ( to find Bad Boy please visit @thecheatersclub ) and I'll make sure to always reply to comments with fun emoji's and sarcasm  like how sarcastic is that rainbow??
          Peace and love to the best of people on planet Earth  and those best people are the ones that read and comment on SPBTH  


Hi, and good day wherever you are. Just wanted to tell you that, as a reader I find it next to impossible to find a book that can make me literally see the events before my eyes as I read. So finding your books was a miracle. You're so very talented, and I am honored to have stumbled upon your works. You're awesome! Much love from where I am.


Please do not underestimate your talent Landen  Words fix souls y'know. @LandenWakil 


@WinterStories Hello! Good day wherever YOU are. And wow, a miracle??  All I did was humbly type some letters up on my laptop but thank you  That's a very flattering compliment! I hope you've been enjoying Some Place Better Than Here.