
Happy New Year!!!!! I hope you have a great new year guys and I hope you're celebrating New Years with everyone you love. Mine's with a bottle of vodka and a ton of editing so this'll be fun! I hope you had a great Christmas. Here's to 2025! :)


Happy New Year!!!!! I hope you have a great new year guys and I hope you're celebrating New Years with everyone you love. Mine's with a bottle of vodka and a ton of editing so this'll be fun! I hope you had a great Christmas. Here's to 2025! :)


To my dismay i have unpublished Facing Your Future. This is only a temporary measure, my anxiety and bipolar have been causing me to be unmotivated to write anything so i will re-publish once i have written the rest of the book but be prepared for that to be in the distant future, however you might get one of my other books in the mean time.
          Sorry for any inconvenience,
          Love Ali xx


First Chapter's Out!!!!!!! Girls, boys and non-binary hoes it's happening!!! he second chap isn't gonna be published for a while to give myself time to sort my life out. Merry Christmas Everyone. Have a good one, you deserve it!!!!!
          Ali xx


Just finished writing the finale. *Cries*. I'll prob post tomorrow. Idk what time tho. If that's too soon for all f you lovely people just let me know and I'll wait a couple weeks. 
          *Warning!!*: I cried while writing it. So have fun my children.
          Night Night all of my lovely people! xx