Look, I appreciate you guys supporting my Twisted Wonderland Fanfics, I really do... but those were books I made with no intention of ever continuing after publishing the first few chapters. They were made after my brain had a random idea, and I wrote it out. And the fact Is, I've never played Twisted Wonderland, let alone downloaded it. I'm not in the Fandom, and I don't plan to start either. Truthfully, I would get rid of them from my profile, but so many people keep reading them that I caved and left them there. Last time I removed one of them from my profile, it popped back up less than a day after removing it, so I guess I have to live with it. But it hurts that those books are what's gotten all the views when they're genuinely my least favorite works, and the most annoying to write. I have two other books on my profile that have barely seen any attention despite being the very books I put my heart and soul into writing, ones I did genuine research to write as accurately as possible. One, the one I loved the most, has only 47 views. The other, has only 2000. I'm not mad at you guys, but at myself for deciding to write those TWST fanfics, which have seemingly plagued me with views I don't want. Please, give my other books a try too, I'm literally begging at this point, because I'm tired of my friends saying, "but your best books are (insert TWST Fic here), why would you want to delete them?"
Because they've overshadowed the books and fanfics I actually want to write! that's why!
And while being in genuinely dead fandoms certainly doesn't help me find an audience, I love to write about them because it feels RIGHT. And, to those of you who bothered to read this far, thank you, and please consider looking at either Woman of the Runes, or She Who Knew All, because I need an excuse to keep writing them instead of books that make me want to delete my account.