
this message may be offensive
Working on a Crack book for shits and giggles. It's gonna be called "What the Fuck?" And it's an isekai with three best friends who quote memes and do dumb shit in a fantasy world. It's gonna be an original story, so hopefully it does well. :^)


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Working on a Crack book for shits and giggles. It's gonna be called "What the Fuck?" And it's an isekai with three best friends who quote memes and do dumb shit in a fantasy world. It's gonna be an original story, so hopefully it does well. :^)


Continuing off of my previous post, I will be hereby completely canceling both of my twisted wonderland books. There will be no negotiations on this, and I'm deeply sorry to anyone I may have disappointed.
          Also, depending on the feedback, I may simply delete them entirely.
          I came here from a dying website to share my work and make people smile, but now it feels as though my own smile depends on people seeing my works that I actually care about.
          I was so happy when Of All The Stars hit its first 1000 reads, and would love to be that happy again over books I actually care for.
          But the Twisted Wonderland books are not among those I care for or wish to continue at any point.
          I will be writing only what I enjoy from now on.  I'd also like to apologize to those of you who came here from Belialuin, which I deleted without warning, as I never got around to doing so.


@Laney1301 Not at all. It’s a “you do you” world, I won’t lie and say I’m not disappointed. However, that just means we have new things to look forward to, that you enjoy writing. I like your writing style, so I’ll come back to read whatever you have to offer next!


@Ka_Astral Thank you, I hope I didn't disappoint too much. I just really couldn't keep doing both passion projects and two extra books on the side.


Well that’s unfortunate. But you write what you want to write. It’s hard to continue to write something when there is no passion in it. All in all, I have personally enjoyed your TWST stories, but I hope you enjoy whichever fandom you go to. Much love and happiness.


Look, I appreciate you guys supporting my Twisted Wonderland Fanfics, I really do... but those were books I made with no intention of ever continuing after publishing the first few chapters. They were made after my brain had a random idea, and I wrote it out.  And the fact Is, I've never played Twisted Wonderland, let alone downloaded it. I'm not in the Fandom, and I don't plan to start either. Truthfully, I would get rid of them from my profile, but so many people keep reading them that I caved and left them there. Last time I removed one of them from my profile, it popped back up less than a day after removing it, so I guess I have to live with it. But it hurts that those books are what's gotten all the views when they're genuinely my least favorite works, and the most annoying to write. I have two other books on my profile that have barely seen any attention despite being the very books I put my heart and soul into writing, ones I did genuine research to write as accurately as possible. One, the one I loved the most, has only 47 views. The other, has only 2000. I'm not mad at you guys, but at myself for deciding to write those TWST fanfics, which have seemingly plagued me with views I don't want. Please, give my other books a try too, I'm literally begging at this point, because I'm tired of my friends saying, "but your best books are (insert TWST Fic here), why would you want to delete them?"
          Because they've overshadowed the books and fanfics I actually want to write! that's why!
          And while being in genuinely dead fandoms certainly doesn't help me find an audience, I love to write about them because it feels RIGHT. And, to those of you who bothered to read this far, thank you, and please consider looking at either Woman of the Runes, or She Who Knew All, because I need an excuse to keep writing them instead of books that make me want to delete my account.


What happened to the story: Camellia (TWST x Kamisato! Reader)


@GraceWhiteHorse Hello, I posted something vaguely about this previously, but that story was somewhat of a failed test run that I couldn't bring myself to continue. Essentially, I had taken it down off of my profile, only for it to pop back up fully published again after two months or so. I had to de-publish it from my profile a second time before contacting a friend of mine who I had shared my account with ages ago. Apparently, she had been wanting to continue it for me, but hadn't asked my permission to do so, so I ended up deciding to change it up again and am now going to republish it myself with a few major changes.


I'm watching the Transiberian Orchestra concert tonight. This will be my first concert I wasn't forced to go to (Taylor Swift with my mom) and will actually enjoy it for once. So, hopefully, the music will help me with my writer's block, and if not, I guess I'll try and write through it anyway.
          Have a happy holidays everyone, and see you next post!


Finally got a job. It's so early in the morning that by the time I get home, I have almost zero energy. It's gotten to the point my hobbies have been put on hold lately. I'll try to get some writing done in my free-time, but it may take longer than usual to finish anything.


Ignore the last post. I was oversharing.


@sugar0077 that's fair I guess.


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Okay, genuine question, so don't laugh, but like... Are vampire teeth like straws?
          Like, do they suck blood through the fangs, or are they just there to puncture a wound to suck the blood and swallow it? Because I'm writing a vampire character, and this question has been plaguing me all damn day!


@frozenlucy3 Yeah, that makes sense, but for some reason the image of them being like needles or straws makes sense still. because if they're just for making holes, and they drink the blood, would that not mean they're essentially glorified can openers?


I think they use their teeth to make a wound.
            It seems reasonable.