
~I’m back from the dead, and I have 640+ notifications. Aha-


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This girl here is my fucking world, just thinking about her makes my chest wanna explode. 
          No homo tho 


@Laney__Thompson sorry this too gae for me I need to evacuate immediately before I attack you with all the love I can hold in my body. 


~This motherfucka’ ^^ is my favorite person, she makes me cri’ I love her.
            Full homo.


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~Hi it’s me, this is for all the "I’m not homophobic I just don’t-" 
            Shut up, you are. You know it, you know it’s fucked up— and you don’t wanna admit it. If you full on say your homophobic, fine then, okay, at least you acknowledge it, stop making shit excuses to make yourself look better. 
             I don’t care, Argue with yourselves. 


@Laney__Thompson LMfao I am homophobic I will say that But im just not as harsh as others Like the thought of them makes me Uncomfortable And its like i have two people in my head fighting about the whole entire idea about Lgbt+ Like It makes me Uncomfortable but i guess i repect them or i want to but idk how harsh others are with them but i DO NOT wanna wish death on em like you get me? bc i never had someone understand this


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~This is for the blonde girl from frys, so if you’re not her ignore this.
             You fucking bitch, if you ever take the last bag of veggie-burger deluxe in front of my face...! We are going to war you hoe, I had to drive all the way to the other fucking frys because of you, so I hope you’re happy. 