
Not to sound like a whore or anything but you’re all adorable and I wanna give you a hug


Hey can I have some advice I have some writers block and I can’t finish the first chapter of my story basically just backstory and so far all I have is Lilly was running. running far away. Far away from her abusive parents and her horrible brother.


i have no dm. no clue what it means i'm a stupid 13 year old who just got an concusion.


Honestly, I’m a horrible writer! No idea how my story got so popular haha!! I’d say just write without going back to check spelling and whatnot so you can just get your ideas onto the page, then edit it! (I like the name Lilly btw- If you need more specific advice dm me) :)


Oh my! I’ve been a bit inactive for a few days haha! Anyways - I just got a dm from a dude on Pinterest who asked me to role play and I was confused and apparently he has a bird fetish? He wanted to rp that he was like, a mama bird chewing food and barfing it into my mouth and not kink shaming or anything but wtf is this a thing ? Wut 


...Idek but that's creepy tbh..