this message may be offensive
My best friend has just told me that they have tried to commit suicide 3 times this year. 3 Times And I've been trying to talk with them daily, long before this was mentioned, long before it happened. And now they're MIA.. Idk what to think, idk what to do. I have been in tears the last three days, they haven't been anywhere online. They haven't tried to talk to me, and trust me, I've known they're depressed. I've known they're suicidal. I've managed to coax them into getting therapy, getting help, trying to work it out, as shit as their family is to them. And now?? Now it's nothing, like they've been taken by the void. What am I to think, I wasn't left with any messages, they were trying to get over it last I talked to them and for focks sake I know that isn't easy. I'm trying to contact them any way I can think of. I've tried talking to our other friends that they talk to almost as often as we do. But they don't seem to know?? I've cried several times over this, I just want to know if they're ok. If they're still getting help.. I need to know. I'm sorry.. I'm just so stressed..