
Sorry for the impromptu hiatus!
          	Been going through some things and just haven't been able to get to writing
          	I'm hoping to post a large chunk of chapters I've been working on real soon to hopefully amend that!!!
          	For the new readers, welcome! 
          	For the existing readers, I hope the wait hasn't been too long!
          	See you guys soon❤


Sorry for the impromptu hiatus!
          Been going through some things and just haven't been able to get to writing
          I'm hoping to post a large chunk of chapters I've been working on real soon to hopefully amend that!!!
          For the new readers, welcome! 
          For the existing readers, I hope the wait hasn't been too long!
          See you guys soon❤


I've been back to it! I'm making my chapters longer too. I'm part of the Salsa Society at my Uni (and they do bachata too :>). This is where I'm getting a lot of my inspiration for dance scenes and the cultural significance of certain styles, which I'll hopefully manage to grow upon soon. For now, Aliana has A LOT to deal with in the next few chapters...(coming by the end of the week!!! Apologies for the wait!!!)


Uni has started officially started back up (lol) but I have been working on the next batch of chapters for my book 'The Unexpected Partner'. Apologies for the wait (for those who have been waiting) and I hope to get them to you by the end of this week. 
          I'm hoping that I will get to release batches of chapters more frequently also.
          Thanks for reading❤xx


Take your time❤️ 


I read some of your comments in book the skin of nights and damn girl I love the way you stated things. Like honestly ppl fail to see the toxicity in simple actions but the way you presented them was commendable!!♥


Tysm<3 Yeah I was just browsing for something new to read lmao


@icantwink no problem at all hun! I completely understand. I've definitely felt triggered by the book on many occasions and just couldn't stay silent for certain scenes. I literally started commenting because of how one-sided the other comments were and it didn't sit right with me. I hope you can find books you can thoroughly and peacefully enjoy! I know you have good taste from your recommended lists!


So yeah thanx for answering my qs and the heads up☺


Avatar the Last Airbender was THE show!! I loved it so much <3 <3


@Phantom_Lover_xo Boku No Hero, that's where the character is from, but Black Butler is actually on my must-watch list. So many people have recommended it to me


Are u talking about black butler cuz there was this episode where the butler was making it his girl pure or impure 


@Sisigamer I've seen the images of taller Aang and I've got to give credit where credit is due, it was a glow up lol but Zuko forever have my loyalty and boy. That movie was all sorts of wrong but I've heard Netflix is making a series so fingers crossed it's what we are waiting for Todoroki is the loml from BNHA, and S5 is going to be an elite experience