
Bruuuhh I just noticed what wack stuff I had in this account. I have no idea what I was thinking but it was also nostalgic ngl.


Hi, I just wanted to let you all know, especially people I talk or RP on the regular, that I might be taking a couple of random haitus. Life is kicking my ass lately and some stuff I don’t want to dwell on. I didn’t want to come out publicly like this but it’s just to excuse myself properly just in case for flute notice


            Hope life is treating you well, good luck!!!


this message may be offensive
Seriously it’s a shame that Wattpad is getting more cancerous every single day. I love wattpad and I’ve met really cool people here. And about the “notify followers thing is fine by me because I prefer to be spammed here instead of my email, honestly. But seriously I don’t want to be rude yet I have to be blunt. I see a bunch of people being total attention whores (not just females btw). But really I don’t wanna say no one cares, but if you say something SAY IT IN A WAY THAT IS NOT COCKY AND “OH IM SUFFERING SO MUCH PAY ATTENTION TO ME”. I don’t know but for me, it annoys me a lot and I’m always down to help someone but this makes me lose interest. This is my opinion, if you’re doing it for attention then you are insulting everyone that does have a problem. So please don’t be a little shit and rephrase your stuff please.


So, anyone that still is here, I’m going to start putting out content again. Yay, whoohoo and all that stuff. But I’ll be posting it over at @XxDestiny_WritersxX I’m an author there now. The story is “A seal”. It’s sort on like a remake, but not quite, of “The Vault” any of my faith readers would remember me hyping it up years ago. Anyways go check us out not to support me but also the other terrific writers there.