Next chapter is pretty much done guys should be out tonight with an explanation as to why it’s taken so long for those who read it but don’t follow me as well as you guys
Okay so allegedly forgot it was my own birthday today and didn’t have time to write anything but I promise there will be a new chapter out tomorrow I have the idea and what scene I’m using I just have to write it out
Okay guys well apparently Wattpad doesn’t let you use song lyrics anymore and the entire chapter just got erased from existence so I’ll have to think of something else to do and get it out tomorrow. Sorry
Obviously if you guys would rather it just be 5-10 parts in the what if book rather than giving them their own book then that’s fine too but you know just let me know what you would prefer
Okay so I thought about it a lot and I think I’m gonna focus on the what if book for now especially since a lot of the ideas I have for them including the first one can be made into like short stories of their own and some into like full blown books so I’ll get my writing back up to scratch doing the what if book and then see where there takes it