
Hey everybody. So I rereleased Crimson Flare after spending countless hours rewriting it. i hope you will all enjoy it.


So guys as you can see I've been updating my Covers with my new artwork. I hope you all like it! Guess I'm back oh! Also We have a new Novella in the works. 
          Oathbreaker : An Anorian Tale will be coming out soon so let me know if your excited!


Hey everybody its been awhile but I've finally made my return with a new book! From Nothing to Something! a Novella for those who don't have the time to read! Hope you enjoy it (Its based of one of my characters I roleplay with! )


Hey! Lanx12 is back! And finally! Finally, after a long long time of preparing and setting up, we have a new series and a new book out! Say hello to the chronicles of Anor! Enjoy a fantasy-driven story as the races of Anor try to survive! I hope you guys will enjoy it. As of now, I will be posting a chapter every Saturday or late Friday night! Enjoy!


HELLO LOVIES!!! It been a few years since I last updated! Well, a year or so...Anyway! A lot has happened and well! I'm back with a new story! To those interested I've been secretly working on some new stories as well as bettering myself as a writer. Sooo! Hope you guys like the new story! Remember to check back every Sunday for updates!


Hey guys Its been quiet a long time since I was on here and well I get a treat for ya. First off I apologize to everyone as my life has been busy with moving to work to school to insanity @_@....Anyway as a treat I've re released Crimson Flare a Scifi/romance/slice of life book I wrote some time ago but took down to clean up and fix up. Anyway I've got a new book i've started on and I hope you all will like it. I'm not going to go into much detail but I will tease you with this little opener. " Life just never goes the way you want it to. I should know, one day I'm dreaming of girls and college, next I am living in a small apartment but I can't complain because I'm the most luckiest guy in the world." 
          Also I need your help if your reading this I'm looking at doing a new fan fic but ! I need your votes ! Shall it be an Ark survival Evolved fan fic ,  Skyrim fan fic, or a Subnautica fan fic ? So if you want one of those as right now Stardew Valley the next generation has well stalled as I've had writers block.


Hey everyone ! and Holy smokes ! He's updated at least with this. So alot has been going on such as life. As of right now Memories Forgotten Generations will be getting an update in a few weeks as well as hopefully a brand new story. But I am getting ahead of myself first off I owe you the readers some explaining. So the reasons why I havent updated in so long are as followed. First. I moved to a new home. Second school and work have played a part in preventing me from updating like I use to. So those are the excuses. With what free time I do have I've been writing some paragraphs here and there for Memories Forgotten: Generations. And also I've been working on a new book as well as slowly going over the old memories forgotten and correcting little bits and piece's of errors I've been finding...Anyway ! Life lesson for those starting out in writing...When you start don't write your chapters when your half asleep XD